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Our Mission

Our Purpose:

To make known the LIVING Christ and live for Him!

Our Theme Verse:

He died for everyone so that those who receive His new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead they will live for Christ who died and was raised for them. 2 Corinthians 5:15

Our Purpose and Theme Verse Lived Out:  

We make known the living Christ by being involved in our community. Our goal is to equip believers to live for Him in their everyday lives.

who we are

SONrise started as a church plant in Torrington, Wyoming in 2011. We are an evangelical church, passionate about seeing people know Christ and live for Him.

We are real people with real struggles, trusting the real God, Jesus Christ, to heal us, restore us, and give us strength and freedom to live in obedience to His Word.

what to expect

You will discover at our corporate worship services that our church is NOT a building... that singing can actually lead to a heart to heart connection with God... that sermons can bridge the gap between biblical reality and our contemporary society... and that commitment to Christ's church, with all its faults, failures and weaknesses, allows you to become the person God created you to be. It is our goal that every time you come to a corporate worship service, you get invited to take the next bold step on your spiritual journey. If you've been following Jesus for a while, you'll be challenged to live out the teaching of Jesus - the ones that are simple to 'believe' but harder to 'do.' And if you don't really like church or God "stuff," you'll experience opportunities to question, investigate, and learn at your own pace. Wherever you are in your walk with God, you are welcome at SONrise!

The berean fellowship

SONrise Church is associated with the Berean Fellowship of Churches. The BFC is a Christ- focused, church planting, grace-filled fellowship of churches. It is the vision of the BFC to glorify Christ in our generation through aggressively establishing churches worldwide, training believers and reaching the lost with the hope of the gospel.

Berean Fellowship Website

About us

SONrise Core Values


Jesus came so that we could live a joyful life. Often to experience this joy we have to experience the power of Jesus healing our hearts.

Isaiah 61:1, Psalm 34:18



We long to make much of God and see him worshipped intimately at home, in the workplace, in small groups and in our large group church gathering.  Hebrews 4:16, Psalm 34:1



We want you to know the Bible and have a clear understanding of what it says, who we are and who God is and our relationship with Him.  Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 119:11



You are invited to join us in serving our SONrise family, our local community, and globally through missions. We serve because we know we have a good thing in Jesus.

Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 1:8, 1 Peter 4:11b, Mark 10:45