
SONrise Church Center Calendar

The Big Game Hangout - DOORS OPEN at 4:15pm on Sunday, February 9. Come, invite your friends, cheer on your favorite team, and enjoy food and pizza. Children are welcome with a guardian. To help us plan for food, please RSVP by Thursday, February 6 at www.TorringtonSONrise.Church. You’re welcome to bring a favorite snack or dessert to share.  For more details, contact Dave and Judy Cummings.


BAPTISM - Is God nudging your heart towards baptism? Contact any pastor, ministry leader, or fill out a Baptism Card at the Welcome Table and put it in the Offering Box.

CHILD DEDICATION - Fill out a Child Dedication Card from the Welcome Table or contact Megan if you would like to dedicate your child on Sunday, January 26.

OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE - Is God nudging your heart to serve? The Children's Ministry Team serves families with kids, infants through 5th grade. SONkidz' mission is to partner with families as we create a safe, engaging place for kids to develop an authentic, personal faith in Jesus. Fill out a Serve Card from the Welcome Table or contact Megan Parker about being part of the team!

YOUTH WINTER RETREAT - Powerful teaching, new memories, exciting activities, and impactful worship all in one weekend. Students, 6-12 grades, make February 14-16, 2025, the best weekend of your winter! Register at  Cost is $139/person.