SONrise Church Center Calendar
SANTA'S HELPERS - Santa’s Helpers is needing volunteers again to help in the kitchen on Wednesday, December 18, and Thursday, December 19. Please contact Mitch (307) 575-7258 or Julie at (307) 575-0719.
MEN'S BREAKFAST - Meeting Saturday, December 14, 8am, here at the SONrise building for breakfast, worship, and fellowship.
JAIL MINISTRY DRIVE - Stamps, non-glitter Christmas cards, and plain white tube socks can be dropped off at the designated table in the Commons. The final day for contributions is Sunday, December 15.
SONRISE WOMEN - We invite you to join us for our annual Two-gather Christmas event, the "Prepare Him Room" Cookie Exchange on Thursday, December 19, at 6pm. Our plans include a soup supper, Christmas message, and, cookie exchange. Invite a friend!
WILD GAME FEED - Guys & kids, join us for the 2nd annual Wild Game Feed on Sunday, December 15. Doors open at 5:30pm. Bring a dish to share for a potluck-style meal (wild game if possible). Best wild-game dish of the night will take home the traveling trophy! Questions? Contact Anthony at 307-401-2364.
CHRISTMAS EVE 2024 - The SONrise candlelight Family Christmas Eve celebrations are on Tuesday, December 24, 5pm or 7pm. The content of both services will be the same. Invitations to hand out are available at the exits.
SONRISE FAMILY CHRISTMAS TREE - After the service, go to the Commons, grab a marker, and create a family ornament to decorate the SONrise Family Christmas Tree by the coffee counter.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY - Meets Tuesdays at 6pm in the Gathering Room. Applying God's Word for our hurts, habits and hang-ups. Contact Mark McMahon with questions 307-575-3344.
WOMEN'S TWO-GATHER - Scan the QR code at to use the SONrise Women's Two-gather Band App to receive information and reminders about upcoming events.
YOUTH WINTER RETREAT - Students, 6-12 grades, make February 14-16, 2025, the best weekend of your winter! Register at Cost is $139/person.
SONRISE SUNDAY GATHERINGS - Beginning Sunday, December 1, SONrise will hold its Sunday gatherings at 8:30 AM (offering SONkidz Lite: kinder and under) and 10:30 AM (offering SONkidz Full: infant through fifth grade).
SONKIDZ - Before both services begin, we welcome all Kinder and under at their classrooms. At the 10:30am service, first through fifth graders will be dismissed at the beginning of the service.