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Schedule and Other information

Click here for a rough draft schedule.


Bug Spray and Sunscreen

Bedding and Towels


Comfortable, Mountain Clothing (layers)

Closed-Toe Shoes and Sandals or Slip-On Shoes

Appropriate Clothing for the Monday activity of your Choice

Bible, Journal

Favorite coffee mug (if you want)

Cozy blanket (if you want)

Activity Options

On Monday, we are doing a bit of a "choose your own adventure"! Option 1: You can visit the town of Saratoga to soak in their hot springs, wander downtown, and eat a fun lunch. Option 2: Hike a minimal elevation trail (around 3 hours total) Option 3: Hike to the summit of Medicine Bow Peak (around 7 miles and 4-5 hours depending on our crew)

We understand that you may need to leave on Monday night to get back to work on Tuesday. If that is the case, the main teaching sessions will conclude before dinner on Monday. For those staying, we have some precious times planned! One of those is a Tuesday morning sunrise worship and reflection time at St. Albin's Chapel near Lake Marie/Mirror Lake. Don't miss it if you don't have to!

Other Questions? email Megan Parker at