"Two-gather" is a women's ministry where ladies can come together, build deeper relationships, have fun, and grow closer as sisters in Christ (Matthew 18:20). All women (college age and older) are welcome to be a part of Two-gather.  Email info@TorringtonSONrise.Church for more information.

For the most up-to-date details of our events and women's Life Groups, fill out an Info Card from the Welcome Table, or complete the form on our Home Page.  Indicate you want to receive emails and/or texts from SONrise church.

"Good Boundries & Goodbyes" Study

Every other week we gather for a time of fellowship, making space to connect and grow in our faith.  Through a book study and fun activities, our goal is to facilitate a place where we can positively support one another as we walk with God.  Contact the church for more information.