• Basic Details

    Dates: June 4-7th

    Time: 5:30pm-8pm

    Location: 1100 East Valley Road

    Missions Offerings: Each night, kids may bring money for our offering. At the end of the week, the money raised will be split between a local mission (Land of Goshen Ministries), and an international mission (the Compassion International child our SONkidz support.) So kids don't lose money, containers will be located at the check in table when you arrive. 

    Can't make it one day or until part-way through the night? No problem! Please just give us a heads up so we know when to expect them! 

  • Where do I go?

    When you arrive (Please try not to be more than 10 minutes early), make your way to the check in table in our commons area. There, you will find out which number CREW your child is in. You can then take your child into the Worship Center where their leader will be displaying that number. Kids will report to their crew right away and will begin their fun SCUBA adventure! 

    At the end of the evening, your child will be with that same numbered crew. You will need to to physically check them out from their crew leader to ensure the safety and security of each child in attendance. If someone other than an authorized pick-up person will be taking them, please let us know that at check in.

  • Dinner Menu

    If your child would prefer to bring a "sack dinner", they are welcome to! Dinner will be served at 6pm for preschool and 6:30 for elementary students.

    Tuesday: PBJ, Go-Gurt, "Fish Sticks" (pretzel rod dipped in chocolate with sprinkles and a gummy fish)

    Wednesday: Cereal Night! (GF cereal available as well as alternative milks), "Ocean in Motion" (blue jello with whipped cream)

    Thursday: Corn Dogs, Chips, "Treasure Treats" (Vanilla Wafers with strawberry cream cheese and a chocolate pearl)

    Friday: Spaghetti Casserole with Garlic Bread, "Fish Food" (popcorn, pretzel rods, gummy fish, M&M's)

  • Stations

    During their time at SCUBA VBS, your child will get to experience some awesome rotations! 

    Preschool will experience our large group "Sing and Play Splash" and "Fintastic Finale", Exploration Stations, Bible Adventures, Sticky Scripture, Crafts, and Games!

    Elementary will start the evening in their CREW at Sing and Play Splash before moving with their GROUP through our four rotations of Deep Bible Adventures, Sticky Scripture, Imagination Station, and Games. They will all come back together at the end of the evening for our "Fintastic Finale"!

  • Tuesday Lesson

    On Tuesday, Tad will teach us that, "God is a friend who's real!"

    Our memory verse is "We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God." John 6:69.

    We will learn how God showed himself to Elijah through ups and downs in 1 Kings 18-19. We will talk about the showdown between the ONE TRUE GOD and the prophets of Baal.

  • Wednesday Lesson

    On Wednesday, Finnley will teach us that, "God is a friend who loves".

    Our memory verse is "Just as I have loved you, you should love each other." John 13:34

    We will learn how God showed compassion to the people of Ninevah and asked Jonah to be a tool he used for that. (Jonah 1-3)

  • Thursday Lesson

    On Thursday,Waylon will teach us that, "God is a friend forever!".

    Our memory verse is "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will have life, even after dying." John 11:25

    We will learn how Jesus died and came back to life! (John 18-20) - The greatest love story ever told!

  • Friday Lesson

    On Friday,Octavia will teach us that, "God is a friend for everyone!".

    Our memory verse is "For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." John 3:16

    We will learn how Lydia believed in Jesus and became the first Christian in the Roman city of Philippi. (Acts 16:11-5)

  • Other items

    First Aid will be available and provided by a trained, medical professional. 

    If you made note of medical concerns or allergies, we will be sure to accommodate those. 

    If any issues arise, we will first call the primary contact listed at registration. 

    Other questions? Please contact Megan Parker at meganp@torringtonsonrise.church or call SONrise at 307-214-3210